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Qiao-Hong Chen, Ph.D.
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
California State University, Fresno
2555 E. San Ramon M/S SB70
Fresno, California 93740
Phone: 559.278.2394

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Dr. Qiao-Hong Chen received her PhD degree in Medicinal Chemistry from Sichuan University, China. Appointed as a lecturer in 2001, she was promoted to the position of full professor in 2003 at Sichuan University. She was a CIHR/Rx&D-HRF Postdoctoral Fellow and an AHFMR Postdoctoral Fellow for three years at the University of Alberta in Canada. From August 2006 to June 2012, she worked as a senior research fellow at Virginia Tech in the USA. Dr. Chen started her position at California State University, Fresno, in 2012. She has published 164 peer-reviewed scientific publications, as well as 6 book chapters.

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